My Children's Literature Portfolio

Monday, March 21, 2011

For my children's literature class this quarter, we were required to complete a portfolio of our work and turn it in today. What exactly does a portfolio look like? I wondered. Our professor shared some of her previous students' work to give us an idea. They encompassed everything from scrapbooks to power points to a website. The website caught my eye and I perused some of those "make your own website" pages but felt completely and utterly overwhelmed. I mentioned this to my professor and she connected me with the young lady who created her own website. After several trying to communicate through several desperate emails, she offered to meet me on campus and walk me through the process. (So very kind of a complete stranger, I might add.) And it all clicked-so to speak.

After spending close to 40 hours on this project, I am on my way to turn it in-and then collapse. Click here to view.