I'm in like Flynn

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Have you ever know deep in your heart that you were meant to do something but

every step along the way has been a battle? Not a monumental fight but an obvious one. Discouragement sets in and you begin to wonder if you're on the right road. When it gets hard, you start to question "maybe this isn't really what I want to do." I believe that when we are truly seeking God and He clearly doesn't want us to continue--or even begin--down a certain path, he will repeatedly close the doors. In fact, He doesn't just close them, He SLAMS them shut. After a while our stubborn skulls finally figure out that we might want to proceed in a different direction. However, I also believe that when He calls us to a place or position that is really, truly living in our glory, the enemy will make sure to put every obstacle in our path. They're never big obstacles just annoying, time consuming, distracting, frustrating ones. This has been my journey to pursuing a teaching certificate.

Just over a year ago I set out on this unknown path only knowing that I was supposed to put one foot in front of the other--in 48 hours. After pulling an all-nighter writing four essays, begging colleagues to write letters of recommendation with less than 24 hours notice and pleading for my 20 year old undergrad transcripts from a stubborn Registrar's office, I dropped off my application packet with minutes to spare before the posted deadline. Four weeks later the rejection letter arrived. Among the words of denial were also words of advice and some suggestions. They "powers that be" wanted me to take two full quarters of English classes, obtain a letter of recommendation from a current professor and reapply. No problem. Wrong. Problem #1: It's kind of difficult to take upper level college courses when the said college won't let you in. Solved: After a month of getting the run around I was allowed to take the classes at the local community college with the promise of counting them as transfer credits. And I was able to get the ball rolling by taking a summer course as formal admission is not required to attend during the months of June and July. Done.

Problem # 2: The community college doesn't recognize that I've taken the pre-requisite of English 101 and I must sit in the Registration office to prove this with my 20 year old transcript. Oh, and in the meantime, the classes I wanted, filled up. Solved: I was able to take an online course for the fall quarter, my advisor allowed another literature class to count and I "blue-slipped" into the elusive Creative Writing class for spring.

Problem #3: My application is ready to go for Fall quarter 2011 with the exception of an English professor's letter. I email a request two weeks before the deadline. "No problem." A week later, "Oops, I forgot. Is it too late?" A week later the Office of Admission calls to say they still had not received it. Solved: Another desperate email request and the letter magically appears.

At the end of last month I pulled out my file with the rejection letter from last year. Dated: April 29, 2010. For two straight weeks I checked the mailbox daily and my inbox every time I passed the computer. Nothing. Zip. Nada. Then on Wednesday afternoon I see the email. With one eye closed I nervously scanned the letter until I saw the words "Congratulations" staring back at me. I scream, jump up and down and ponder who to call first. Before I pick up the phone I see an email from the same address with the subject line : "Recall." A short message follows simply stating that they wish to retract their previous email announcing my admission into the Secondary Education department. What? OUCH! A quick phone call later I discover that the university has not yet given their approval as the state only allows a certain number of post baccalaureate students per quarter. Deflated I wait once more. Friday afternoon the email arrives in my inbox. The subject line: CONFIRMED. Yay!!!

So, you see, doors closed, locked and bolted shut are one thing. False starts and temporary disqualifications are another. Don't let discouragement win if you've been on a similar journey. I'm here to tell you to not give up.

I have no doubt there will be numerous more detours and "fender benders" like these along the way but I'd say God makes it pretty clear when we're driving down the right road.

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One Response to “I'm in like Flynn”

Donna G said...

So excited for you as you go down this new path that has opened up for you. Enjoyed your post and am genuinely happy and excited for you!!