Merry Christmas

Friday, December 26, 2008

As I try to hold myself back from tearing down the decorations--yes, I am so ready to bid 2008 good-bye--I thought I'd post some pictures from our Christmas. I was not particularly looking forward to the holidays this year. So many traditions I love were not part of our plans this year. Partly due to three snowstorms and 10 days of below freezing temperatures and the lack of funds. I was in a downright bah-humbug sort of mood for the better part of this month. I commented to Trey that I hated feeling like Christmas was just another holiday to be endured. I just wanted it to be over with and I was dreading having to be "up" for two days when I felt the exact opposite. I really desired to have joy and focus on the "reason for the season" but the funk continued on. In spite of it all, I desperately tried to hold on to "the glass is half full" attitude as we headed to Seattle for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to be with my side of the family. It ended up being such a redeeming, special time--isn't that just like God?

December 25th was a day with many firsts. It was the first white Christmas the Seattle area has seen in 18 years. It was the first time my children went to a Christmas Eve service in the church I grew up in. It was the first time in several years my mom had all three of her children and their families together for Christmas Day. Everyone spent the night and my sister and I stayed up well past midnight re-hashing the day and reminscing of Christmases past. I can't recall us doing that since our college days. Finally, my uncle announced his engagement to a lovely lady we all adore so our family continues to grow. It may not have been what I was expecting but it was exactly what I needed.

Merry Christmas to all!
December 23rd

The whole gang

Uncle Bob and soon-to-be Auntie Grace

My always glamorous little sis


3 Responses to “Merry Christmas”

Anonymous said...

There is no end to how we are reminded of what is important...Glad that this, of all your Christmas's, was one filled with necessary firsts...could they have happened at a better time???? No.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

А! معلومات رهيبة ، شكرا جزيلا لكاتب المقال. انها مفهومة بالنسبة لي الآن ، وفعالية وأهمية هو المحير. أشكركم مرة أخرى وحظا سعيدا!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the helpful post! I would not have gotten this otherwise!.